Project Mala School, Village Turkahan is located in Mirzapur District., around 15 Kms from the main Mirzapur railway station. Turkahan school was started in 2005 in a small building consisting of two rooms. The school accommodated only 50 children at a time so no new children could be enrolled before the first 50 had passed out, which was every three years.
On 10th February 2011, a new school building was opened and inaugurated by Sir Mark Tully OBE. This new building was constructed with the help of Baal Dan charity, USA. This school will accommodate 300 children so a new batch of 50 children can be enrolled every year. The size of the land is 85,000 sq. ft. that accommodates the building a huge play ground and a vegetable garden.
Project Mala School Turkahan serves 7 villages within its 3 km radius. Most of the children walk to school.